England Main Hazards- Sinkholes & Fire
From the research I did on England through the semester, I came to know that there aren’t many extremely dangerous hazards. The two hazards that could potentially be catastrophic to the country are sinkholes and wildfires. In recent years, sinkholes have been occurring quite a lot all around the UK, many of them in England. Many are very small and many more happen in open land areas decreasing the level of endangerment to people. The most common places for sinkholes in England are the Mendips, Yorkshire Dales and Peak District, which are both national parks. Sinkholes in England are most common due to carboniferous limestone and there are also others that are due to younger clay and sand deposits. Many sinkholes occur in “karst terrain” which is areas of land where there is soft bedrock materials such as salt, limestone, gypsum (which is an evaporite mineral), and when they come in contact with water they dissolve. Basically water that runs underground slowly diss...