Week 10- Extreme Weather- Iceland

This week we learned about extreme weather. The occurrence that caught my attention the most was blizzards. Besides the holidays, the only other reason why I love winter is because of the snow. Is it so pretty and makes everything look so nice, it just warms my heart! (As contradicting as it sounds!) Of course this is to a certain extent, heavy snow fall can create dangerous conditions. Chapter 9 of our books explains that blizzards are created by heavy snow falls and blowing winds which create low visibility for long periods of time. When low visibility becomes extreme it is called a whiteout , because all you can see around is white. Blizzards are more extreme and dangerous than snow storm because of the combination of heavy snow fall with strong winds. Blizzards also create a wind chill effect. This is the effect on exposed skin to these extremely low temperatures. When these winds are blowing fast the body cools down at a fast rate which makes the skin temperature to drop...